OMG! It's been so long since I have written. We have been so busy with the Christmas program at our church since October that there has been no time to write. Sam is going to write about our singing debut. The kids all had great parts in the Christmas play called A Jamaican Christmas. Steven had leading role as a wannabe pirate. Jewel was the one who hated everything dirty and even came out on stage spraying air freshener and constantly washing her hands with sanitizer. Jessica was the new kid in Jamaica. Sage was one of the islander children who got the best line in the play according to all the kids: "My mask was of a wise mon." All three girls had a singing solo in the play and did a wonderful job. Lots of supporters were there. Thank you Grandmama, Grandaddy, Uncle Bill, Aunt Liz, Mia, Jackson and Priscilla (from my work). It was a fun night for all.
Then off we went to Fayetteville North Carolina to spend Christmas with my family. OMG! We travel to Maggie Valley, N.C. every other weekend and it only takes us about three hours. When we go what we call "all the way home" it takes more than six hours. We were some tired folks Sunday night when we got back home to Georgia. But what a wonderful time we had with my brother Edward and his wife Emily. Thank you for letting us stay with you guys. We got to spend Christmas Eve with my grandmother or GRANNY (she hates when I call her that). Granny is half deaf and we love to tease her and have fun with her. She is a great sport. Then my cousin Melissa was there. The twins call her PRETTY WOMAN. Needless to say Sam got to see what the real Darlene was like. A lot of clowning around, old stories, and some tears from laughing so hard. It is always nice to go back home and see family. After five days we were off to South Carolina for a day so the kids could spend time with their dad. He was working a lot over the holiday and had just one day to spend but we took advantage and Sam and I stayed in a hotel while the kids got to have a sleepover with their Dad. Sam, Gracie and I got a hotel and had some quite time.
I must talk about the EX's for a moment. Why do people just assume that because Andy is my ex-husband that Sam hates him. Or the same goes for Sam's ex girlfriend and the mother of his child. Am I supposed to not like her? The day I got my divorce the past was in the past and that is where I want it to stay. Sam finally got to meet Andy for the first time and you would be amazed how excited the kids are that Sam and Daddy got along. Yes, Sam knows the whole story of Andy's and my past but that is where it is. They talked, shook hands, and everything was fine. Steven was so surprised that they talked. He is still talking about it. As far as Sam's ex goes, I actually had a couple of chances to talk to her over the holidays and enjoyed our talks. Why have any hard feelings toward her. It's not about us, it's about Sage. Because there are children involved on both sides anger, hate, and dislike can't be part of our world. Because no matter what we are tied together for the rest of our lives because of our children. But everyone expects you to just hate an EX because they are an EX!!!! It's amazing how much pressure is put on children when there are ex's involved. My kids were always afraid to have their Dad meet Sam and now they are so excited that he did. Steven is already thinking maybe their dad can come to Georgia for a visit and go a Braves game. But remember, it's a visit, not to stay..........we are ex's for a reason........LOL!!!!!!
So on to fun stuff. Today was 75 cent day at the theater and we went to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua and it was so cute and funny. All the kids got $50.00 from Grandmama and Grandaddy plus college fund money and a gift card to Barnes and Noble. Uncle Bill and Aunt Liz came through with Walmart cards so of course we were off to shop after that. Our rule is the kids must spend a portion of their money on clothing or shoes then the rest on whatever they would like. Needless to say everyone was shopped out and ready to go home when I overheard a Sales Associate say we have to mark all these down to $1.00. Well of course I heard that from two aisles over and had to check it out. They were marking down these cool pj pants (they light up!) from $10.00 to $1.00 dollar. The shirts were marked down from $8.00 to $1.00. Yes! $1.00, 4 quarters, 10 dimes, 20 nickels, 100 pennies. If anyone knows me they know I love a bargain so off we went to search for pj's for the girls. Thank you Walmart! Mom and Dad I will send you a detailed list of what the kids all got. It was unbelievable.
It's official. I am back and will start posting more on the life of The Brady, Shirey, and Law Family. We are off to Maggie Valley after New Years for a couple of days. In case I don't get back, Happy New Year to all....................... Til next time, God is love.
Simplifying life, on-line and otherwise
13 years ago