It's amazing what you will find when you actually clean off your dresser (hint hint Sam). Sam found 2 gift certificates for Regal Theaters on his dresser (that needed to be cleaned 8 months ago). So with my parents in town this past weekend we decided to take advantage of them and have a date night. Saturday night we were off to see Baby Mama which was a cute movie, but after seeing it we kinda wished we had seen Zohan with Adam Sandler. Baby Mama was cute and funny but kinda left you wanting a different ending. Afterwards ice cream and a long ride home was really nice. Thanks Mama and Pop for our date night.
The funniest part was when we returned home to find Jessica and Sage with underwear on their heads. When I was a little girl my mama would always roll my hair on Saturday night for church the next day. To make sure the rollers stayed in my hair she would put a pair of my underwear on my head. Okay it was cute when I was 4 or 5. Jessica has had her hair in rollers before and as soon as mama was done with her she goes gets her underwear on her head. Mama said Sage asked her if she had to put underwear on her head? Mama said not if you don't want to. A few minutes later Sage comes out with underwear on her head and laughed like crazy. They were the most beautiful girls in church with curls in their hair. Sage's hair is getting so long that every time she walked she had bouncing curls. Ms. Sabrina, our neighbor, has started calling Sage Malibu Barbie. She has this beautiful tan and blonde hair with curls.
After church we go by Sears looking for a vacuum cleaner since ours decided to commit vacuum suicide. Sears was having this wonderful 90% off sale on certain items. Mama and I got a set of dishes that were $100.00 originally for $10.00, king size quilts and shams for $6.00, bath maths for $1.29, it was amazing some of things they had. So of course today was spent cleaning the china cabinets, putting new dishes were they belong, and getting rid of things we haven't used since moving to Georgia. So now the kitchen, dining room, living room, and kids room have been summer cleaned. Now to the bathrooms and my room which is the hardest because everything collects on our couch in the bedroom. Hopefully we will be done with summer cleaning this week.
Next project is beds for Teddy, Doggie, Clifford and Blue Puffy. The girls most treasured stuffed animals need a home for when they are not being loved on. Their animals get tossed to the floor or under the bed and when bedtime hits we have to go dig to China to retrieve the animals. I found Blue Puffy under the bed one night and told Sage, that Blue Puffy was digging her way to China under the bed. I am afraid Gracie will get hold of these animals who are so precious to the kids. Teddy was given to Jessica when she was 3 years old and had to go to the emergency room on Christmas Eve because she fell off a stage and had a bad bruise. Doggie and Clifford are Jewel's prized possessions from when she was 2 years old. Even at 10 she must have them to sleep with. Blue Puffy has belonged to Sage since she was a baby and goes everywhere with her. So with a little fabric and minor sewing our animals will have a safe home.
Upcoming events on my blog will be:
Life without Steven (he's at Grandma's house this week)
Needles and Thread or Stapler and Glue (Animal Home Project)
Lordy Lordy Look who is Forty
Simplifying life, on-line and otherwise
13 years ago
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