Tommorow I head back to work! YEAH! YEAH! Part of me can't believe summer is already gone but then part of me is so glad I get to go back to a job with all my friends and my best friend THE PAYCHECK!!!!! Don't get too excited. I am only working from 7 till about noon tomorrow. Monday is our first full week of work. There are pros and cons of working and school starting.
No more Cabin Fever
Adult conversation
Seeing all the kids at school
Filling out all new forms x3
Getting all the kids' binders labeled x3
Homework x3
Projects x3
Missing part of OLTL
No more sleeping late
No more staying up late
Making the kids come in early from outside
All in all I think we all are ready to get back to a normal routine around here. Even Gracie wants her house back during the day. So goodbye to late nights outside talking with Ms. Sabrina. Goodbye to quiet mornings alone because everyone else is sleeping. Goodbye to lazy days at home with the kids playing Fuzion Frenzy. Goodbye road trips.
Till next time ...... GOD IS LOVE
Simplifying life, on-line and otherwise
13 years ago
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