Sunday was a wonderful day for our family. Sunday morning service was very good. It was one of the services you just left feeling totally blessed and ready to face whatever the world has in store for you. The girls got to stay after church for Girls Club. They really enjoyed it so much. When we returned they all had made new friends. Sage even picked up a new nickname. The drummer Brad and his wife Lynn are the youth leaders and Brad couldn't remember Sage's name but he did remember it was a spice, so he called her Paprika. The pastor and his wife couldn't believe how limber Sage was with her spilts and tumbles. He mentioned it several times during the evening service about how talented she was. She just thought it was cool to her name on microphone. Jewel and Jessica were so excited they got prayer mothers. Prayer mothers are someone who encourages our young to stay strong and do what is right. Needless to say we are excited about our next Girls Club meeting.
So while the girl were at Girls Club, Sam and I decided to use some of my birthday gift from my wonderful in-laws and go to lunch at Chili's. Thanks Mom and Dad! We enjoyed our lunch date very much. After lunch I didn't want to go back home. I wanted to be near the girls in case they needed us for anything. Of course I drilled the twins before church to make sure they knew all three phone numbers and to make sure they stayed together and kept an eye on Sage. Back to me and Sam: we decided to ride to Marietta and walk around the square, look in some shops, and sit in the park. Then we took the long route back to church but were still early so we stopped in the Wendy's nearby and shared a Frosty and talked. It's wonderful when you can talk without having to say don't do that, or sit down, please eat. That's right, Sam was very well-behaved.
Then I got that phone call a parent never wants to get. You're out, your kids are at church in a safe environment and they call..... only to say mom we are having a great time. Immediately I begin to breathe again then I listened for about ten mintues to hear everything that had went on during that day. Remind you we were only five mintues from the church but they had to tell everything. Then when we arrived five mintues later we heard everything again, again, and again. Three girls telling the same story about what all happened during the day. The youth group is a very active group. They are always planning outings with the children and sliding in a lesson with fun keeps them interested in church.
Last night the in-laws were in town for the day so we went over and spent some time before dinner with Mom, Mia, and Jackson while everyone else was working or at the Dr. Then off to Jason's Deli, where I had never been before. I love this Brady Family when we go out to dinner, because everyone shares little bites of their food with everyone else. I had the salad bar, plus part of Mom's BLT, a bite of Sam's meatball sub, a bite of Jewel's cheese pizza, a bite of Jessica's pepperoni pizza, a bite of Sage's turkey & cheese wrap. Bill wouldn't share his Reuben, but then again I didn't ask because I had everyone else's food on my plate already. The food was excellent and the family bonding time was great. Thanks, Dad, for a wonderful dinner. Can't remember if I actually thanked him or not. Then back to Bill's for a little chatting and lots of family group hugs and lots of I love you's.
Now the in-laws are back in Tennesse and I am heading to see my parents tomorrow for the holidays and then staying some next week to do some work around the yard for her. Probably will be shoveling rocks all next week. But that's okay because Pop will cook great meals and we will get to spend quality time with my parents. Only thing missing will be Sam who will be heading back to Atlanta Sunday evening. I'll miss you, baby!
Happy 4th of July everybody!
Simplifying life, on-line and otherwise
13 years ago
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