Once again we are all home together. Since school has been out we have not been home together all at once. Between switching kids out at my parents, kids and I staying at my parents, then the entire family just returned Saturday evening from visiting my in laws in Tennessee and my parents in NC. I think everyone is glad to be back home.
I don't want too tell to much about our trip to Tennessee until we get our pictures download and I can add some of the most beautiful pictures ever. This trip was the greatest gift anyone could have given our family. With the luck we have had this summer we needed some family time together. What a wonderful place to spend it. I have so much I want to tell you but I want to show the pictures too. We downloaded them to Sam's parents' computer and for some reason half of them didn't stay on our memory card. So Mom is sending us a copy of all the pics. Be sure to check back in for full details later.
Our original plans were to come home Wednesday after picking up Gracie from my mama's. But our sweet baby Gracie had an accident while at Grandma's and needed a couple of stitches and an overnight stay at the vet. Mama and Pop were walking her by the creek one day while we were gone and all of sudden they noticed her bleeding on her leg. Of course Mama was so upset that Gracie got hurt while in her care, she was crying when she called me. Gracie is my little Baby. She is spoiled rotten. She sleeps with me and her daddy, sometimes in between us if she wants a belly rub. Good news is she will be fine. They gave her some pain killers and an antibiotic and she came home the next day. Thursday we decided to do some school shopping for the kids. That lasted all day and no one was up to the drive home. Plus my sister in law called and said she was coming up with my niece and her little boy for the weekend. So the new plan was to leave Friday afternoon after a short visit with them. Well they didn't get there till 4:00 and after a visit and looking at the clock no one was up for a drive so another night at my parents. Saturday morning got up early, had some breakfast, went for a haircut and off we were. Back home finally. The kids finally stopped asking when we were going home. They knew we had to be back Sunday to take Sage home so they figured it was no use asking, just enjoy grandma's.
We had to stop at the store and I told the girls they could have a Hannah Montana Party since the concert was coming on t.v. We stopped at Wally World to get something for dinner that night and the girls were allowed to get two snacks a piece. OMG you would have thought we were throwing a party somewhere in Hollywood. They were so excited, they even helped unload the van and took showers without fussing. The party basically consisted of popcorn, licorice, Little Debbie snack cakes, skittles, whoppers, and of course cheddar rice cakes. Plus they got to eat in their room. I went back to take a look in the room and there were 3 girls with 3D glasses on, singing with licorice hanging out their mouths. I think that was a perfect end to a great week. Plus I got to sleep in my own bed that night too. THANK GOD for king size beds.
Don't forget to check back to read all the details of The Brady Family Vacation. Gotta tell you about our junior rangers, our not so junior rangers, bears, deers, mountains, Dollywood, swimming, car breaking down, flying dumbo, water ride, there is so much more to tell........ Till next time God is Love (I think that might be my new ending...........thanks Rev. Run)
Simplifying life, on-line and otherwise
13 years ago
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