Yes I am still alive and kicking. It has been a while since I wrote. We went away for the 4th of July weekend and just returned home yesterday. Sam of course came back after the holiday but the kids and I stayed for some R&R.
Steven picked up a little job at a local auction while staying with my parents. He went back home with my parents after Father's Day. Every weekend they attend an auction and Steven asked Mr. Gene (the auctioneer) if he could help out since he seemed to be shorthanded on men that day. He has been helping out every weekend since. All he really does is hold up items to be auctioned and then help people take their buys to their cars after the auction is over. One Saturday he made 30 dollars with Mr. Gene and then another 29 dollars from tips that customers gave him for helping to load their cars. While Sam and I were up there we stopped in to see him at work and OMG everyone bragged on Steven. What a wonderful, respectful young man we had. I was wondering if they had the right Steven. I don't know how many people told us what a wonderful boy we had. I was like, are you talking about my Steven???? The one who can't stand his sister and doesn't like to do chores? But when I pointed to my Steven everyone said that's the boy. Why is it that children are always polite and well behaved around others? Get them home and it's a whole new world for them.
So 4th of July was great. We did the fireworks by the lake which was great. Then my sister and her family arrived the next day. My nephew Preston who I love to death was my little heart when he was born. In fact I nicknamed him Pookie which absolutely drove my brother in law insane and he told me if I didn't give his little sister a nickname he would name her after me. Of course Maggie Darlene never got a nickname from me. So anyway every time I see Pookie my heart melts when he calls me Aunt Dar Dar, I always hold him like a baby and tell him when he is 89 I will still call him Pookie and hold him like a baby. Pookie will be 8 on Friday (Happy Birthday Pookie)and I held him like a baby, but this time he said Aunt Dar Dar when I am 89 I think I better hold you like a baby. Yes I laughed and cried at the same time. Even though he is a young boy he understands how happy it makes me to call him Pookie and hold him like a baby. I love you Pookie.
Okay it's crazy I know but we are off and running again this weekend. This time to Tennessee to see my in-laws. The entire family will be leaving on Saturday morning and returning Tuesday. We are looking forward to spending some time with them and checking out Dad's new Ranger job. Dad was telling us about the Junior Ranger program--the kids can do hikes and activities and programs then get sworn in as actual "Junior Rangers" by a real Ranger (hopefully Grandaddy can do it for them) and get a certificate and a badge. We think it sounds really cool and we're looking forward to doing it with him. Their R.V. park has a pool too. I am sure the kids will want to go. Sounds like a lot of family fun for all.
Sam has really been stressed over finding a job. Every day searching, sending out resumes only to turn up nothing is starting to get the best of him. When all else fails, Family and God are the only thing we know. So we are going to God's Country as they called the beautiful Smoky Mountains to be with our family. Keep your finger crossed and say a little prayer for us that a job comes through for Sam.
Until next time, God is love (Taking from Run's House. I love his little messages at the end of the show).
Simplifying life, on-line and otherwise
13 years ago
1 comment:
I too have spent 4th July with my family. We travelled to Hawaii a day before & enjoyed there lot.
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