5 Little Brady-Shireys in the House
5 Little Brady-Shireys in the house all healthy and well until
Steven fell in bed with the FLU!
4 Little Brady-Shireys in the house all healthy and well until
Sam fell in bed with the FLU!
3 Little Brady-Shireys in the house all healthy and well until
Jewel fell in bed with the FLU!
2 Little Brady-Shireys in the house all healthy and well until
Darlene fell in bed with the FLU!
1 Little Brady-Shirey in the house all healthy and well until
Jessica is the only healthy one so far
Pray for Jessica that she doesn't get the flu. OMG it was the most terrible week I think we have ever had. Steven with a 103 fever, Sam hit 103, Jewel 102, me 101 and Jessica played nurse to us all. I have Cloroxed our house inside out and washed every blanket we have. I never want another week like that again. Sam was home from work Wednesday until Monday. I have been home since Friday and am returning to work tomorrow. I almost want to go out and buy everyone one of those white suits with oxygen tanks and all just so we can stay healthy. One, maybe two, kids sick in the house is not bad, but when you throw Sam and me in the flu bed too, enough is enough. Thanks to my wonderful (but sick) husband, by the time me and Jewel got down in the couches and couldn't move, he was feeling a little better and began taking care of us. I am so proud of him! On Saturday he started washing clothes and in out of my Nyquil sleeps I either dreamed or heard him say he had done 8 loads of clothes on Saturday alone. I can believe 8 loads with this family. If I don't do at least 2 loads a day our laundry gets out of control quickly. Back to my wonderful husband, who ran to the store for orange juice, back to Chick Fil A just for tea for me, to McDonalds for nuggets for Jessica, refilled water bottles for Jewel, answered computer problems for Steven, and walked Gracie all weekend. Even though we abused you this weekend, we do love you with all our hearts. You're the greatest man ever!!!!
Simplifying life, on-line and otherwise
13 years ago
1 comment:
Darlene, you do indeed have someone special. I couldn't have lasted more than 2 loads of laundry. I would have lost interest by then.
Hope the family is well. we have avoided it so far. However, Little One had some congestion and a little cough this morning.
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