Wow! It's been so long since I have written but life gets so crazy and everything you want to do slips away and everything you don't want to do stares you in the face until you do it. I can't believe summer is almost over. Only 3 weeks left until we go back to school! I am so ready for it. This summer has been so crazy. The kids are hitting the pre-teen or full blown teenager stage with mouths, attitudes, eye rolling, whatever mode and just plain why me. So needless to say I am ready to go back to work with 2000 high school kids who don't belong to me. So let me get to the updates on everyone.
Steven is 14, heading to 8th grade at Sandy Springs Middle School. He loves playing drums, basketball, football, and talking to girls. I think if texting was a class he would have an A in it. Steven is still playing assistant drummer at church and loving every minute. This summer he has spent some time at my mom's working for a local auction, which is really good for him. The boy loves to make his own money. He has found a friend up there that will buy anything from him. I bought Steven this cheap MP3 player for 20 bucks he sold it to the boy for $50.00 then downloaded songs on it and the kid paid him 30 bucks. Steven should be a used car salesman. He can sell anything or trade anything. He has even begun to sell ice cream to the kids outside. One child wanted peanut butter ice cream, which we didn’t have, so my son takes a marker, writes peanut butter on a fudge pop and sells in to him for $1.00. I don’t know if I should be scared or happy that he is willing to earn his own money. One thing for sure, we have gone over everything he cannot sell: sisters, TV’s, computer, anything that belongs to his sisters, CD’s, DVD’s, the dog and the cars.
Jewel is 11, heading to 6th grade at Sandy Springs Middle School. She loves playing flute, singing, dancing and looking cute. She is determined to marry a Jonas Brother, just not sure which one. This summer she has enjoyed swimming and sleeping as late as she can. One day I left her to sleep until she woke on her own, which was 1:00. I think my most memorable moment with Jewel was when I took her to the Dr. to get her shots for 6th grade. Just the usual 4 booster and the elected one was the Gardisil for young women. After talking with the pediatrician about my concern we both thought it was a good thing to get for them. So that same night at church our Pastor asked if anyone had a praise report. Jewel’s hand goes up and tells him that she got 5 shots and she cried. Then all of a sudden she also announces in front of the whole congregation that she also got the Gardisil shot for females only. I fell on my knees. Not to pray but of embarrassment. All I can say is she is proud that we are taking precautions so that she will not get certain types of cancer.
Jessica is 11, also heading to 6th grade at Sandy Springs Middle School. She loves the clarinet, singing, dancing, and being silly. I believe she wants to marry a Jonas Brother too, but not quite sure. Her most memorable event this summer was starting the summer off with whooping cough. I thought that was a thing of the past but not for us. She proudly took her shots but warned us she would cry and she was not excited about getting them. Then she proceeded to talk the Dr.’s head off for the next 45 minutes with everything and anything. HMMMMM wonder were she got that ????? All 3 kids attended their first overnight camp ever. They were gone for 4 days and 5 nights and never once missed me. I was like, how dare that church camp have a lake with a trampoline in the middle, horses, pool, gym, Christian rock band every night, air conditioning and food. They were so excited and didn’t care I was home missing them like crazy.
Sage is 8, heading to 3rd grade at Camp Creek Elementary. She loves dancing, and singing. She would love to marry a Jonas Brother too. We have had her for 3 weeks this summer which has been really great. Really gives everyone a chance to enjoy her and let her see what craziness goes here while she is gone. She has done a lot of traveling with her family this summer. We were trying to figure out how many states she has been in this summer and I believe it was 5. She is with us now for 10 days and is fitting in just fine. We played Phase 10 last night with all the kids and Sage could be a real poker player. She already has the POKER FACE. So serious, and she wasn’t letting anyone get a peek at her cards. We asked if she needed any help from me or Dad and she said no I am good. It was too funny.
Gracie will be 3 in Sept. She loves tennis balls, her blanket, hanging out the car window and her Mommy. I really believe she’s ready for everyone to go back to school and work so she can have the house to herself. But then again, she wouldn’t be getting all those extra snacks the kids feed her. Cinnamon Toast Crunch seems to her favorite and the kids are so careless in dropping a few for her.
Sam is doing great and liking his job at ZC Sterling. I think it’s the first job he hasn’t complained about since I have known him. He is supposed to be working on his book this summer but it’s hard when he has a wife that can’t go to sleep unless he is rubbing her butt. Then the kids have gotten us hooked on WEBKINZ. If you have children, never ever buy them one. It’s a stuffed animal of your choice and comes with a code that lets you go online and play games, feed it, and buy it a house to decorate. You can have a garden and even take it to school. It is so fun and it’s really educational for the young ones. Then Sam hooked me on Facebook and the games on there. Farkle is our latest craze. Between reading, keeping up with the Braves, Webkinz, Facebook, and loving me everyday life is a little busy for him.
I am great, loving life, God, my family, my wonderful husband. What more could I ask for? I am looking forward to returning to work in a few weeks. I still love working for school system in the cafeteria. This year is going to be a little strange in the afternoons. The twins don’t get out of school till 4 and I get out at 2. What will I ever do with my free time? I know! ENJOY PEACE AND QUIET!!!!! I hope everyone is doing well. You guys need to get busy and write back. Let me know how life is treating you? I miss all of you guys. Keep us in your prayers and we will do the same.
Love you all
Darlene and Sam
And Da Bunch
Simplifying life, on-line and otherwise
13 years ago
1 comment:
wow lovely mom
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