Tuesday, November 13, 2007

" Dancing with the Stars"

Our little Jessica is trying out for the Dance Team at her school this week.  She is attending a 3 -day clinic to learn a routine, which will determine if she makes it or not. I picked her up at 4 yesterday and I can still hear her in my head 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and bow! I went to bed counting, woke up counting and I am sure the rest of my day will be counting. She is so excited about dancing. 28 girls are trying out for the team, 20 will make it, 5 will be stand by's and 3 will go home. I am like praying please let her make it. I wonder if we could call the dance team teachers and place a vote for her, just like dancing with the stars! So everyone call 1-800 Dunwoody Springs Charter School and vote for Jessica Shirey.
In other news our twins turned 10 last week. When they were born I didn't want to dress them alike cause I wanted them to be individual little girls. But of course that changed when my mom decided  to buy everything the same. Then I got hooked on it and every since they have the same clothes, shoes, coats, socks, panties. I always felt guilty if one girl didn't have the same as the other girl. Almost like I was cheating one twin out of something.  Well we went birthday shopping for a new outfit like we do every year. New clothes and shoes to start their birthday right. Jessica runs to these cute little pink cowgirl boots. Jewel runs to these high heels that she would never be able to walk in . When I suggested the cowgirl boots Jewel flipped. She said "LIKE I WOULD EVER WEAR THOSE!" I had to realize I no longer have twins. I have Jessica who will forever be my little baby. Jewel who is too independent until she has a nightmare. Needless to say I gave in and Jessica got cowgirl boots and Jewel got suede boots with a tiny heel. I can't believe my babies are 10. Sam and I talked of having a baby but  I think we have come to the conclusion 4 kids, 1 dog, 2 jobs are enough for us now. Then we have several adoptee from the neighborhood and all my kids at school.


Sam Brady said...

I know Jessie is excited. You'll have to post again and let everyone know how she does.

I can't believe you don't want to have another baby! You know it would look just like me and be the MOST BEAUTIFUL BABY YOU EVER SAW IN YOUR LIFE!

I love you, my beautiful wife!

rakethetable said...

Happy Thanksgiving.

Baby? #5? whew!