OMG!!!! Darlene you're not in North Carolina anymore! Today I went off to drop off an application for a job with Fulton County Schools so I had to travel to an unknown land. My wonderful husband printed out directions from Mapquest. Got there with no problem. While I am doing my cabbage patch dance in the car and singing "who's the MAP READER WHO'S THE MAP READER!!!!" what do I see in the air coming straight for me, but a big ol' 747. Not one, not two, but three in a row. They were so low and me being from a small town in North Carolina, guess what I did? YES--like an idiot I ducked my head down so the plane wouldn't hit me. LMAO.... I am sure I am not the only one to ever do that. Okay, stop laughing cause that is not the funniest part.
Heading back home, I got lost. A panic phone call to Sam and I was on the right road, only to see a huge bridge. At least I thought it was a bridge until I saw this HUGE plane cross over the bridge. I nearly caused a wreck because I slowed down--as if I was really going under that bridge! I was in the PT Cruiser that plane would have ate me for a snack. So I did the only logical thing a woman would do, SCREAM AND HIT THE GAS. Later Sam explained that it was a runway. For us North Carolina folks, who puts a runway across the highway?????????
After seeing all this madness today, I will be on my deck looking for green little men in the sky......Atlanta has everything else!
Simplifying life, on-line and otherwise
13 years ago
1 comment:
Yes - the new runway makes for some interesting sights while driving around that area. Even us Atlantians are new to some of these new sites.
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