Back to the free weekend. My parents spent Thanksgiving with us and stayed through the week. I told the kids we were going to stay home this weekend since Grandma and Pop just left last Sunday. Of course they yelled we don’t have Sage, we always go when we don’t have her. I said yeah but won’t it be nice to stay home sleep in on Saturday and just have a lazy weekend. So now they are thinking of a million things we could do, places we could go. I’m pretty sure the FREE WEEKEND is gone! I am sure my husband has plans for the both of us after the kids are asleep. Then the laundry will be sitting there screaming WASH ME! The floors could use a shampoo. The hall closet needs to be cleaned since my husband threw all the empty Christmas boxes in there after we decorated. Then I need to write out Christmas cards, wrap presents, and put the garland and lights around the balcony. Of course, the kids will want to have three meals plus a snack. Mama/Wife’s work is never done. It’s a 24/7 job. I paid my dues for six years as a single mom. I give all single moms the praise! I am very lucky to have found a wonderful man like Sam. He’s can wash laundry, cook, vacuum, sweep, mop, clean bathrooms, fix computers, do homework, make beds, be my best friend, lover, provider, strength. Now only if I can get him to do windows?
Goodbye free weekend!. Hello to what makes my world go around, makes my life complete, and makes me happy inside and out: my beautiful kids and wonderful husband. I will take that any day over a free weekend!!