I am trying to get into football for the sake of my marriage! My husband lives, breathes, sleeps football. So I thought I would try and be the supportive wife and follow it with him this season. So usually I pull for the team with the nicest uniforms or who doesn't try and kill their opponents. With all the hype about the Manning brothers a couple weeks ago I wanted to watch that game. Now every time I turn the TV on, there is Peyton! I open the pantry for a snack, there is Peyton! I cook dinner, and there is Peyton! Not to mention his crazy commercial with the bad wig and mustache for DirecTV. Come on, Peyton, the Colts not paying you enough that you have to endorse DirecTV, Ritz Crackers, Chunky Soup...and then there is the commercial with the family. I am convinced the Saints didn't pay Daddy enough and his Social Security isn't enough that you had to help Daddy out. Peyton is like that new song you hear over and over and over and it drives you crazy. Like Fergie and her LONDON BRIDGE!!!!
One good thing about football is Willie Parker, who plays for Pittsburgh. You know the team with the guy with the long dreads that is in need of a desperate haircut. Don't ask me what position he plays cause I am not that advanced yet. Remember that I am a rookie. But that little guy can run fast!!! Then I like Vick, who is the quarterback for the Falcons. He all the time running for the end zone, unlike the other QBs that want to stand and watch everyone else.
Then there is college football! OMG!!! Last night we went to the inlaws to watch Ga vs Tenn. My sister-in-law is worse then my husband when it comes to the Vols. Needless to say when the Vols took the lead, my pregnant sister-in-law went skipping through the RV screaming! My son was wearing a Vols jersey with a Ga jersey on top, so depending on who had the ball he would take the shirt off. Then of course when the Vols took the lead all I could see was orange!
Wish me luck. I am going to learn the game of football one way or another!!!!!!!!!!
Simplifying life, on-line and otherwise
13 years ago
I like that London Bridge song.
I am impressed. That's a lot further than my wife has even tried in 8 years of marriage.
Sam got a good one !
I suppose there are worst things to come into your house besides Peyton Manning. Give me a break! Either you get football or you don't... AND YOU DON'T! Give it up and go shopping, your husband would like it a lot better than the complainer container that you are...Please...Peyton Manning is a pleasure to see anywhere! And a very nice guy, with a nice family. We were honored to meet his dad at an Ole Miss game, and he graciously signed my husband's magazine with a smile! Compare him to the mislabeled hype of "T.O." and you have a real sportsman.(I guess you'll have to research that one) SO, GO do your girly shopping, and leave the real games to the real women who know how to be EVERYTHING their men want and not have to FAKE it! You give real wives a bad name indeed! Lay off the Mannings, and have some class!!!!! Keep your blogs to a subject you know something about, like nail polish!
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