Hello everyone! I hope this letter finds everyone healthy and blessed. I surely know that my family is truly blessed this week. I wanted to give you an update on Mama's surgery--just a recap on what started our journey of the week. About a month ago Mama was diagnosed with carcinoma cancer in her throat, which turned out to be a very dangerous and fast spreading cancer. What started out as strep throat led into six months of different antibiotics then finally a referral to the ENT. Dr. Wenzel did a couple of biopsies only to find a cancerous tumor on her left tonsil.
On Tuesday the 24th we arrived at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. for a tonsillectomy and a neck dissection. We had so many people praying from churches all over the country that we were very confident that God was going to see us through this trial. We had churches on their knees in North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Arizona, California, and I know several other states as well. They took her right in for surgery prep and by 7:30 she was in the operating room. The doctor had warned us to expect about five or six hours of surgery time.
The first call came at 9:30 to let us know the tonsil was out and everything in the throat area looked good and her voice box showed no sign of cancer.
The second call came at 11:30. The neck dissection was still going on. A lot of work had to be done on the neck so it would be a little longer.
The third call came at 12:30. The surgery was over and the doctor felt it was a great success. He removed seven lymph nodes and sent them to the pathologist for more testing. While still in surgery Dr. Wenzel called the oncologist and both agreed with the margins and removal of seven lymph nodes. Along with 5 weeks of radiation her recovery outcome was looking really great. Thank you Jesus for your wonderful healing.
Once we got to her room she arrived a few minutes later. As soon as she saw us the tears started. We even had the nurses crying. One nurse said, "I don't know if I can do this patient; it's only been 2 minutes and I am an emotional wreck!" What a wonderful group of nurses we had. They kept us informed on everything and anything. By Day Two Mama was missing her dog so much that I brought her to the hospital so Mama could go to the window and watch her play outside. As I was returning to the hospital I got a phone call that said Mama had became very dizzy and had to be put back to bed. Bring the dog to her room, WHAT?????????? Yes, the head nurse said, as long as she was a small dog we could bring her in the room. Sherry (my sister) met me in the parking lot and covered the dog up with my sweater and off we go in the elevator. 7th floor, room 711, one dog that brought Mama so much happiness and yes, more tears. Lil Girl and Mama played for 20 minutes. They both were so happy to see each other.
Friday they finally let Mama come home. She is still in a lot of pain from the neck dissection. She is having some trouble swallowing but all in all she is on the road to a full recovery. Everyone here is tired even though all we do is watch her sleep and jump every time she moans. We even cry every time she opens her eyes because we realize this could have turned out so differently for us.
So with a full blessed heart I ask each of you to reach out today by phone, e-mail, or in person to your mom, father, wife, children or that special person in your life and let them know you love them with all your heart. Because for the last month I have been scared to death that I was about to lose the greatest woman I have ever known.
To my Mother and My Best Friend: I love you with all my heart and soul. You have always been there for me. You've taught me right from wrong. Most of all, though, you taught me to respect, love and care for those close to my heart. I pray to God that I can be a great example to my family like you have been to us. Words will never be able to explain what my heart holds for you. I love you never seems enough when it comes to you. I hope that my children love me the way I love you. Thank you for being so strong for us. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being you, the greatest woman I will ever know. I love my Mama!!!!!!
Y'all knew good and well I was going to get all sappy and teary eyed before the letter was over. Thank you for all your prayers, thoughts and well wishes . Cancer is hard to deal with by itself but with wonderful family and friends like you, it was made a lot easier.
Simplifying life, on-line and otherwise
13 years ago