What a blessing my family received this past Saturday. My brother's oldest son got in touch with our family after 23 years of hoping, praying, crying for his return to our family. Michael was born when I was in the 8th grade, first grandchild born to our family and we spoiled him rotten. I still can remember the day he was born and the cute crew cut hair he had. If I wasn't there when he was born I would have sworn someone shaved his head like a military cut.
Both parents were very young when he was born so he spent a lot of time at our house. Everyone spoiled him rotten. Since I was not the best one to help clean house with mama I always got to take Michael outside to play. It was my duty as a loving Aunt to push this little boy around the yard in the stroller or play in the pool with him. I was a teenager who hated housework, of course I will take care of my nephew. He was the love of our family. Everything in our house revolved around Michael.
When he was two his parents spilt and a custody battle began. My mom had custody for a while then his mom had it and back and forth until he was three at which time his mom was awarded full custody and left for N.Y. We still had visitation but when Christmas came and my brother went to N.Y. to get him, they had moved away and no forwarding address was given. Later we found out he might have been in California.
The next several years were very, very devastating to my family. Life went on but the memory of Michael Thorne was in every heart of everyone in our family. Pictures remained up and we talked about him so that all the new additions to our family knew he was/is part of our family forever. Often we looked him up on the internet or called his family for information but found out nothing until this past Saturday.
We had just returned home from Maggie Valley when I got the call that Michael had called my brother and was on the phone with my mama. Immediately I called mama and all I heard was Darlene and then there was a lot of crying on both sides. All the kids thought something terrible had happened. For the next several hours I sat in front of the computer with a cell phone on each ear: one to my mama in Maggie Valley and one to my sister in Fayetteville, who happened to be at my brothers waiting on pictures of Michael to come in e-mail. Needless to say we are still celebrating and thanking God for answering our prayers.
I spoke with Michael that night. I didn't have a clue what to say I was just overwhelmed that I was actually talking to him. He is living in California with his wife and a son, Michael Lee, and is expecting his second child any day now. Steven is hoping for the 10th so the new baby can share his birthday. We are hoping he can visit after the baby is born since his in-laws actually live in North Carolina, of all places. If not my mom and brother are planning a trip out there ASAP!!!!! What an amazing way to start the NEW YEAR!
So Michael, welcome home my nephew and we love you so much.
Till next time GOD IS LOVE!