True Love is Sam Brady! True love is the one special person that is there for me night and day.
He is the one who holds my hand and hair back when I’m throwing up.
He is the one who lets me vent all my frustrations (especially when they have nothing to do with him).
He is the one who helps the kids with their English homework (I hate dissecting sentences).
He is the one who goes and gets me a Pepsi at 11 at night just because I have a craving for one.
He is the one who walks the dog at 6 a.m. so I can sleep an extra 30 minutes.
He is the one who holds me tight at night and makes me feel like no one or nothing can harm me.
He makes me feel like the most beautiful person in the world (even if I’m having a bad hair day).
He loves my children like they were his own.
He washes dishes every night (because I cook he wants to do dishes).
He is the one I can’t wait to see or call when good or bad happens in my life.
He is the one I hold so tight and still feel like I can’t get close enough to.
He is the one who can change my entire day by just smiling at me.
He is the one that makes my world go around and today I can proudly say I am married to the most wonderful husband in the world! I have found my true love. Sam Brady, you’re the one who can light my flame like no other can do. Thank you, skinny preacher man, for reminding us of that on our wedding day.
Happy Anniversary My Love
Simplifying life, on-line and otherwise
13 years ago