We left snow to see more snow this weekend. We left on Friday evening heading for Grandma's house. When we arrived they still had snow on the ground from a few days before. We woke up Saturday morning to see still more snow. Steven goes snow tubing every year for his birthday but this was the first time it actually snowed while he was snow tubing. Not only was it snowing, they were actually making snow on the hill while Sam, Steven, Jewel and Jessica tubed. Every year we go to Tony's Tube World in Maggie Valley. It's a nice hill up the side of a mountain with an "escalator without steps" as Steven calls it, which takes you back up the hill. The session are every 2 hours. It's amazing how many people are there the first hour then the second hour everyone I guess is cold, tired or wet because you can get more riding time in the second hour. It is always fun for the kids and Sam too. Sam was the only one who stayed out for the whole session in our group. Everyone else got cold or tired.
The rest of our weekend was spent lying around the house playing Uno and watching our cousin Tom Brady clinch a Super Bowl spot. It was so cold in the mountains last night Gracie wanted to go outside and the Packers and Giants were in overtime. I thought I would be a good wife and take the dog out for Sam who usually takes her out at night. Then I open the door and realized it was 6 degrees and called for Sam immediately. I have the most amazing wonderful husband in the world. He didn't complain or pout, he just took Gracie out. He missed the end of the game, too.
So of course now I have to brag on my husband a little. Sam and I met when Sage was about 6 months old. We became instant friends but decided that a relationship was not in our future. For the next 5 years we stayed friends and complained about not finding the right person for ourselves. Finally a light came on in both our heads "DUH" and we knew we were right for each other. It's wonderful when the person you love most in the world is your best friend, your strength, your hopes, your desire. It takes a real man to come into a ready-made family and become a dad to three children. It takes a lot for a single mom of 6 years to allow someone else in to her children's lives. I prayed that God would send me a wonderful man and he sent me the best he had. Our family really has come together in 2 years. There have been some bumps in the road, some hurt feelings and some tears. But there has been so much more love and laughter that the other things just bring us closer together. I know I have a special man when he gives up watching the last few minutes of the Packers and Giants to take the dog out.
I love you Baby! You're the greatest and you have a cute butt! (He made me say that, but it is TRUE!)
Simplifying life, on-line and otherwise
13 years ago